Mediating Surfaces

Mediating Surfaces, Rosemary Driscoll & Hannah Ranger
MAY 26, 27 & JUNE 2, 3
Vernissage: May 25, 6-8pm
The contrast between Rosemary Driscoll’s fused glass and Hannah Ranger’s felted wool wall hangings will intrigue you.
Pontiac Artists’ Studio Tour 2012

Claudette Spence
JUNE 9, 10, 16, 17
Claudette Spence displays her evocative paintings during the Pontiac Artists’ Studio Tour.
Herbarium Serie

Olga Nazarkina
JUNE 23, 24, 30 & JULY 1
Vernissage: June 22, 6-8pm
Olga Nazarkina’s depiction of the cycle of life is both beautiful and haunting.
PSOTA Instructors

JULY 2-26
The talented instructors of the Pontiac School of the Arts display selected works showcasing the courses offered in 2012.
Make Yourself at Home

Artists’ Residency Project
JULY 28, 29 & AUG 4, 5
Vernissage: July 27, 6-8pm
The Artists’ Residency Project: Visiting artists and members of the Pontiac Artists’ Association invite you to celebrate their vision after a week of sharing and creating together.
Under Pressure

Under Pressure
AUG 11, 12, 18, 19
Vernissage: Aug 10, 6-8pm
From nature to urban themes to the abstract Dale Shutt, Valerie Bridgeman, Erica Vezeau and Sarah Marshall exhibit four distinct takes on a variety of printmaking techniques.
The Pontiac Artists’ Association’s Best Dam Art

Our Best Dam Art
SEPT 8, 9, 15, 16
Vernissage: Sept 7, 6-8pm
A group show closes the exhibition season at the Stone School Gallery.