Introducing Linda Godin, wood carver, and the first to be featured here in what wil be a regular vignettes of our artists and artisans.
Linda’s will be opening her new, tiny studio on Ile-du-Grand Callumet, to visitors, by appointment only, this summer. A long time resident of the Island, Linda welcomed me to her old studio, in the village, last spring. Everywhere you looked there were wooden birds, feathers, wooden trains, puzzles, garden markers and kitchen spoons along with landscapes and tools on every surface. My favourite was a wonderful set of carved family figures, in a farm setting, that will stay in her family. Each family member was carved with great attention to detail. Behind their backs, the fingers of each set of hands were intertwined differently. I went home with a polar bear and a flicker.

You will be able to find Linda’s new home and studio on the Gateway to the Pontiac map we are developing for the Regional County Municipalities (MRC), to be released in May. If you have a studio you would like to promote, including possible workshops, or a business which has (or would like to have) local art on the wall or crafts on the counter, you need to apply before 1 March. This is a final call for participants!