Nancy Dagenais-Elliott new exhibit at café 349

From August 9 – Sept 28 – you can see At café 349 in Shawville. Nancy Dagenais-Elliott ‘s exhibit – Retirement


The next chapter – Retirement

Finally after more than 40 years I’ve retired.  Doesn’t mean I’ve curled up and disappeared, retirement is allowing me to explore more, have fun, eat well, exercise, play my guitar and of course paint every single day.

This show is my newest work mostly of the Ottawa River which surrounds me and touches my heart every time I see it or dip my toes into the water.  I am also showing with my four grand-daughters aged 3 to 7 years. What a joy to share my studio, their laughter and their work with all them and with you.

You will notice many styles in my work that depends on my mood.  I love colour, I love big brushes, simply enjoy having fun.  Enjoy!

Nancy Dagenais-Elliott