Two exhibits opened this evening at our Stone School Gallery in Portage-du-fort: “The Nature of the Pontiac” by Maria Connell and “The Cheese Box Series” by Suzette Kelly. Maria and Suzette delighted those gathered with their story-telling and dazzled with their showcased works of art. The exhibits run through to July 24th.
Here are some images from the vernissage:
[:en]There was a good crowd gathered ~ from both sides of the river.[:fr]Il y avait une bonne foule rassemblée ~ des deux côtés de la rivière[:]
[:en]Maria standing before one of her favourite pieces in the show.[:fr]Maria devant l’une de ses pièces préférées de l’exposition[:]
[:en]Suzette looking as mischievous as her artwork![:fr]Suzette est aussi espiègle que son œuvre d’art ![:]
[:en]Cheryl & Geraldine[:]
[:en]Basil & Arnold[:]
[:en]We caught the local paparazzi in action![:fr]Nous avons surpris les paparazzi locaux en pleine action[:]
[:en]The shop sparkles with art![:fr]La boutique est étincelante d’art ![:]